observations, reviews and ramblings about Hip-Hop culture, sports, politics and the industry and life in general.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Busta Rhymes is in effect

Had a dream last night that (..And my man came by the studioAnd his name is...) I was arguing with my lawyer cousin as he was trying to tell me how to run my business. My heated response to his
condoscending attack was 'why am I even listening to you. I've been
running my own business for 10 years!'

And I woke up this morning to realize that last February marked 10 years
since I struck out on my own. From 7H Promotions to 7H Management to 7H
Recordings to Uncle Junior Records to Do Things For The Kids to Room
Service Productions. 10 years on the hustle. Can't front, feels good to
still be here.
I'm just as geeked about the Festival as I was about 'Soon
Come...' or 'The Best Part'

Sad when I think about how many cats are not in the game anymore. (Happy
that some are gone)

Thanks to the clients who've hired us, artists who trusted us, employees
who toiled with us, interns who volunteered, colleagues who built with
us, family and friends who loaned us money to make ends meet, and fans
who enjoyed our work.

Let's keep it moving


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