observations, reviews and ramblings about Hip-Hop culture, sports, politics and the industry and life in general.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The simple things

for all my parents who know what this is.
Today was a big day as my boy used it for the first time.

So while you are happy Jim Jones is sponsoring a poetry contest I am excited about a two year old urinating.

Have a good weekend

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Blogger ian said...

Big up Miles Boogie but you've got to be at least mildly impressed that Jim Jones is sponsoring a poetry contest?!! I mean WTF - where does THAT come from??!

January 13, 2007 1:16 AM

Blogger Wes said...

I am impressed and honestly puzzled

January 13, 2007 2:44 PM

Blogger ian said...

Me too. I can't imagine it was legitimately his idea but stranger things have happened....

January 16, 2007 11:16 AM

Blogger Wes said...

I can hear it now

"Ode to the push up and oversized belt buckle" by Brother Jim Jones

January 16, 2007 11:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can share in your potty excitement, but just know that the first time is a beautiful landmark passed, in a long journey still ahead. My daughter, who'll be three in April, has been pottying since the summer, but only consistently in the last month (telling you when she has to go, etc.) Tell Miles that I'm doing the potty dance in his honor. And did I read down below, that there's one on the way? If so, congrats!

January 16, 2007 12:32 PM

Blogger Wes said...

thanks Steph
indded #2 is on the way, dur this summer

January 16, 2007 12:40 PM


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