The Father
So no correct responses to yesterday's trivia question
The correct answer was Father MC and Puff was a dancer in Father's video 'Treat 'em Like They Want To Be Treated'
So take that knowledge with you to your next dinner party
-Been working with the great Professor Prince Paul on a show for XM Radio. Be on the lookout for it after Easter. gonna do this one right
-your man Mark Cilantro has been at it again. Check it out
-Headliner for the Festival is a done deal, but I can't officially announce, but he used to rock 'three cuts in his eyebrow'
-Also the #2 slot has been filled and it's gonna be crazy, maybe even a Fiasco
Today's question:
What is the name of the Craig G song that shared a sample with a monster hit from Biggie?
email answers to for a Public Enemy DVD
'Droppin Science'
March 30, 2006 1:38 AM
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